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Understanding and Use of the Lord’s Prayer in the Middle Ages (800–1500)

THiGer - this acronym stands for a young and ambitious interdisciplinary research group from Tübingen, made up of Theologians, Historians and Germanists. Our aim is to analyse the Latin and vernacular expositions of the Lord’s Prayer from the Middle Ages, which to date have received surprisingly little attention but were highly relevant for contemporaries. Due to the sheer number of texts, we are focussing on the rich tradition of the library of the abbey of St. Gallen.

On our website, we report on our progress, research visits, funding we might obtain, presentations at conferences or workshops, and other interesting information.


Working days September 2024
Pater Noster at the IMC Leeds 2024
Pater NOSTER at the IGTM Utrecht 2024
Working week March 2024
Research at the library of St. Gallen
Pater NOSTER at the IMC Leeds 2023