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Network-workshop 'Late Medieval and Early Modern Prayer Cultures'
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Network-workshop 'Late Medieval and Early Modern Prayer Cultures'

For us as a new research group, establishing contacts with people and networks with neighbouring thematic research interests is of great importance. The international and interdisciplinary network ‘Late Medieval and Early Modern Prayer Cultures’, in which Jonathan Reinert participates, offered a great opportunity for this. The network is led by Youri Desplenter (Ghent University), Anna Dlabacova, (University of Leiden), Carolin Gluchowski (University of Oxford), and Marlene Schilling (University of Oxford).

At a workshop on 21 April 2023, Jonathan Reinert presented the aims, focus and source material of the Pater NOSTER project: ‘Use and interpretation of the Lord’s Prayer in the Middle Ages. A case study of the St. Gall monastery library’. Our project was met with great interest; many were eager to see the results of the in-depth source study. The continued exchange between our project and the network, which will hopfeully be institutionalised with external funding, will surely prove valuable in the coming years.