We had the privilege and pleasure of presenting our project on the topic of “Norms and Ideals” in Würzburg from 5 to 8 March 2023 at the symposium of the Mediävistenverband. In three presentations chaired by Jonathan Reinert, we examined the Lord’s Prayer and its interpretations as a prayer of norms and ideals from three perspectives: Johanna Jebe presented some historical questions of the project and introduced codicological aspects of the Lord’s Prayer expositions of the St. Gallen library. Michael Lebzelter gave some insights into literary approaches to the expositions by comparing a sophisticated exposition in Cod. 955 with another example from Cod. 966. Sven Gröger completed the panel with theological reflections on the same example in Cod. 955, which confirmed the theological and piety-historical complexity of the text.
The presentations were able to demonstrate the multidimensionality and multifaceted nature of the object of study and made it clear why it is worth investigating these texts. In the discussion, we obtained some encouragement, valuable suggestions and expert advice for our further endavours.